
目标是让电子游戏软件国际化, the 全球教育办公室 promotes opportunities for faculty to teach abroad in the summer, 以及在学年期间的有限能力. 教师 who lead a BC summer program abroad and are interested in extending their time in-country to conduct research have the opportunity to apply for MCAS research funds.



The 全球教育办公室 operates approximately 20 faculty-led summer programs annually. 教师领导来自大学各个学院和院系. All program proposals are reviewed and approved by the 全球教育办公室 and should include detailed information regarding course content and learning outcomes, 现场后勤和支持, 以及东道国的文化游览.


教师 interested in submitting a program proposal are encouraged to consult with the 夏天 & 实习项目经理,以及他们的学术部门. The questions below provide further guidance to faculty regarding questions to consider before submitting a program proposal.

  • 这个项目如何扩大BC现有的教育机会? 它的独特之处?
  • What is the connection between the academic content/learning outcomes and the proposed program location? 地点如何提升项目? 该项目如何促进跨文化学习?
  • 该计划是否符合部门的目标和优先事项? 你们部门会全力支持这个项目吗?
  • What is the potential applicant pool and is it sufficiently large to sustain the program for several years? 你打算如何招聘应聘者?

要进一步探索暑期教学机会,请联系 夏天 & 实习项目经理.

与全球教育办公室合作, the College of Arts and Sciences has awarded research funds over the past several years to A&S faculty who lead a summer program abroad and are interested in extending their time in-country to conduct research. Activities typically range from a few days to conduct research at a specific library or host university to a longer stay to perform more in-depth studies. 


Interested faculty are invited to submit an informal grant proposal outlining the intended research, 这个项目如何整合到你更大的电子游戏正规平台议程中, 你打算去哪些地方, 以及一份详细的资金申请,说明现场费用. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 夏天 & 实习项目经理.




We are excited to announce a research grant opportunity from the College of Arts and Sciences. 这笔拨款将为A&S faculty who teach a summer course abroad and are interested in extending their time in-country to conduct research.



虽然暑期课程在BC学生中仍然很受欢迎, high program costs and an increasing emphasis on summer internship experience necessitate diligent program promotion from faculty leaders, 谁主要负责招收学生申请人. 下面重点介绍了一些由营销学院主导的项目.



电子游戏软件在全球60多个合作伙伴中的任何一个合作, 教师有可能去教书, 访问, 并在电子游戏正规平台和学术讨论方面与教师合作. Arrangements are made on an individual basis and depend on a match with both 电子游戏软件 and the partner institution. 


电子游戏软件是 威尼斯国际大学 (威尼斯国际大学), a prestigious and truly international consortium of sixteen universities from around the world. 校园位于威尼斯泻湖的San Servolo岛上, where faculty and students come together to explore a number of themes including sustainable development, 气候变化, 老化, 城市增长, 全球伦理, 文化遗产.  作为 the consortium, 电子游戏软件 sends one faculty member per semester to teach at VIU.


 《电子游戏正规平台》 位于萨格勒布的欧洲战争与和平电子游戏正规平台中心(ECSWP), 是一个面向BC省本科生的跨学科学期项目, 哪个课程旨在培养学生进行批判性思考, 整体, 创造性地讨论如何实现正义与和解.