
Our undergraduate curriculum is rooted in 电子游戏软件’s liberal arts education; our students reflect on the human condition from varied perspectives as they learn about seminal findings and discuss cutting-edge discoveries in psychology and neuroscience. 教师平衡教学和指导我们的学生与世界一流的电子游戏正规平台行为, 为学生提供丰富的边做边学和亲身体验科学发现的机会.

学生在我们系有三个专业可供选择:心理学B.A. 最灵活的专业是什么, 非常适合希望在其他领域修读辅修课程或参加大学提供的选修课程的学生. 心理学B.S. 和神经科学B.S. 是为那些希望更注重电子游戏正规平台的心理科学方法的学生设计的吗. 神经科学B.S. is designed for those students who are interested in how the brain gives rise to thought and behavior; those who are interested in the many other facets of psychology—including a research-based approach to developmental, social, 或变态心理学——被鼓励攻读心理学B.S.

在他们的课程之外, 本科生在很多方面融入了我们系, 包括参与独立电子游戏正规平台, 临床实习, and senior theses; through participation in departmental colloquia and workshops; through participation in outreach events to children, 年轻的成年人, and older adults; and by showcasing their knowledge and learning from other students at the research fairs and the 心理学 本科 电子游戏正规平台 Conference.


所有的学位选择都向学生介绍了心理学家电子游戏正规平台的广泛主题, 同时也允许学生选择个性化的学习课程,更深入地关注心理学的某些方面.