At Boston College we have a variety of support services for students who are in recovery or exploring ways to de-emphasize the role of drugs and alcohol in their lives.

Individual Support: 

Alcohol and Drug Education: Staff, clinical interns, and substance  misuse specialists are available for confidential conversations and short-term counseling. Please email for more information.

University Counseling: University Counseling Services include individual counseling and psychotherapy, consultation, and self-help assistance. Visit their website for information on how to make an appointment.

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings:  Attend an in-person AA meeting, view a listing here.

Start Your Recovery:  is an online resource that provides helpful information for people who are dealing with substance use issues, their family members and friends. It’s a single source of reputable, objective information about signs, symptoms, conditions, treatment options, and resources — presented in a user-friendly format and in language that’s easy to understand.There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges faced by those who misuse alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, or other substances, but Start Your Recovery aims to break through the clutter to help people at any stage of recovery. 

View the Start Your Recovery Website  

Recovery Housing:

The Boston College Center for Student Wellness is proud to offer housing specific to those in recovery. Contact Jeannine Kremer for more information.


Boston College Recovery Housing (BCRH) is a residential community within the BC campus for students who have made a commitment to their recovery from substance dependence and long term sobriety. Through a structured, supportive, substance free, and enriching environment, students can maintain sobriety while continuing to develop as individuals, thrive academically, build supportive relationships, and inspire others by continuing the mission of hope to those entering recovery.

BCRH intentionally integrates a holistic understanding of addiction with Boston College’s formational mission into a community based residential collegiate recovery program. The BCRH program is strongly rooted in a 12-Step tradition, and is integrated with elements of Jesuit Spirituality.

Program Expectations:

Active 12-Step ParticipationGoal of developing long-term recoveryNo consumption of alcohol and/or drugsEngagement in SponsorshipParticipation in community service project

How to Apply:

Achieve 60 days of sobrietyComplete BCRH ApplicationRecommendation lettersPersonal Statement (1-2 pages)

The Bottom Line:

Maintaining sobriety and entering a life of recovery on a college campus is difficult - but it is not impossible. With the right environment and support, students are able to stay committed to their personal goals and continue to develop both as students and strong individuals.  

Recovery Stories: 

Listen to anonymous stories from BC students in substance use recovery.

Recovery Story # 1

Recovery Story # 2


Other Recovery Meetings


SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program is the organization’s flagship secular program serving those with an addictive behavior, including both substance and activity/process addictions. Trained volunteer facilitators lead effective mutual support group discussions on these topics:

  • Building and maintaining motivation
  • Coping with urges and cravings
  • Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  • Living a balanced life
  • Related tools consistent with evidence-based motivational and cognitive behavioral theories are also offered and discussed.

Specific audiences: All Welcome

Cost: Free, no registration required


  • Wednesday 5-6:15 pm  Hybrid
    Peer2Peer Recovery Support Center
     175 North Main St. Fall River, MA 0272
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 863 7618 0238
  • Friday 7 pm in East Boston
    Refuge Recovery on the Harbor
    983 Bennington St. Boston, MA

CoDa Meetings  (Co-Dependency Anonymous)

Alcohol Anonymous Meetings Near Boston College